12 Common Myths About Narcissists And Their Hidden Realities



Narcissism, with all its complexities, has often been shrouded in myths and misconceptions. It’s crucial to dispel these misconceptions to truly understand the hidden realities of narcissists. While the term “narcissist” is often used casually, it’s essential to explore the truth behind these commonly held beliefs. In this article, we’ll debunk 12 common myths about narcissists and unveil the hidden truths that lie beneath the surface.

Myth 1: Narcissists Are Always Loud and Boastful (Debunked)

One common myth is that narcissists are always loud and boastful, but this isn’t the case. While some narcissists may exhibit these traits, others are quieter and more covert in their behavior. They might seek validation subtly, making it harder to identify them.

Myth 2: Narcissists Are Confident (Exploring the Reality)

Narcissists often come across as confident, but this confidence can be a facade to mask their deep-seated insecurities. In reality, they may struggle with self-doubt and need constant reassurance.

Myth 3: Narcissists Can’t Maintain Relationships (Let’s Unravel This)

While it’s true that narcissists can have tumultuous relationships, some do manage to maintain long-term connections. They often use manipulation and control to keep others in their lives, making it challenging to break free.

Myth 4: Narcissists Are Easy to Spot (The Hidden Traits)

Identifying a narcissist can be challenging, as they can blend in seamlessly with others. Their hidden traits may only surface in specific situations, making them difficult to detect.

Myth 5: Narcissists Don’t Need Empathy (The Complex Truth)

The common belief is that narcissists lack empathy entirely, but it’s more nuanced. They may struggle with empathy, but some can exhibit it selectively, especially when it benefits them.

Myth 6: Narcissists Are Incurable (Can They Change?)

While narcissism is a complex personality trait, it’s not necessarily incurable. With the right therapy and willingness to change, some narcissists can work on improving their behavior.

Myth 7: Narcissists Are Always Successful (The Struggle Within)

Not all narcissists achieve success. Some face internal struggles, feeling a constant need to prove themselves, which can lead to anxiety and frustration.

Myth 8: Narcissists Are Rare (More Common Than You Think)

Narcissism is more common than you might believe. Many people exhibit narcissistic traits to varying degrees, and not all of them fall into the category of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Myth 9: Narcissists Don’t Have Insecurities (The Vulnerable Side)

Beneath their exterior confidence, narcissists often harbor deep insecurities. Their arrogance may be a defense mechanism against these vulnerabilities.

Myth 10: Narcissists Are Heartless (Exploring Their Emotions)

Narcissists do experience emotions, but their expressions of empathy and care can be limited. It’s essential to understand their emotional complexities.

Myth 11: Narcissists Only Care About Themselves (The Misunderstanding)

While narcissists may primarily focus on themselves, they can develop attachments and care about others. However, their self-centered nature often overshadows their capacity for genuine care.

Myth 12: Narcissists Are Obvious in a Crowd (The Chameleon Effect)

Narcissists are adept at blending in with a crowd. They can adapt their behavior to suit the situation, making them less noticeable in social settings.


Narcissism is a multifaceted trait that goes beyond common misconceptions. Understanding the hidden realities of narcissists involves recognizing that they are not always what they seem. By dispelling these myths, we can approach the topic of narcissism with greater insight and empathy.


Can a narcissist change their behavior?

While it’s challenging, some narcissists can change with therapy and self-awareness.

How can I spot a covert narcissist?

Covert narcissists are harder to detect, as they don’t exhibit overt traits. Pay attention to subtle signs of manipulation.

Do narcissists genuinely love anyone?

Narcissists can form attachments, but their self-centeredness may overshadow their ability to love deeply.

Are all narcissists narcissistic personality disorder?

No, not all narcissists meet the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Can narcissists be successful in their careers?

Success can vary among narcissists, but some may achieve it at the cost of their personal lives.